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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. Their trial-run in Texas as wannabe Road Warriors did not inspire confidence.
  2. I really and truly think you are discounting the importance of having a president that isn't going to be continually injecting volatility into the world via Twitter.
  3. "RINO" is the absolute dumbest insult they've come up with, in recent memory. Basically everyone and everything they manage to label that way is American-center-right, and was mainstream Republican for a good long while before the rest of the part took such a sharp turn.
  4. "Insured value" is wholly irrelevant. Up to you whether you want to push for "purchased value" or "current value", though. If you have thorough purchase records, then that is the most real-world number you have access to.
  5. on-the-rocks margaritas will use them faster.
  6. This isn't a "would be inheritance". It sounds more like the collection was explicitly named as part of the divorce proceedings. It would very likely be illegal to alter the collection, or hide parts of it, until this is dealt with. It does seem like bad judgment to have accepted terms that involve splitting up the individual items, rather than agreeing to selling some portion and just giving her cash, since her ability to fuck things up for him are amplified by what sound like fuzzy terms.
  7. Just looked it up to see that this one has 6% on rotten tomatoes! Hilarious. I think I actually watched it in the theater as a kid
  8. The cartoon was a BIG DEAL during a time that MAYBE kids get a chance to see the TV version once or twice a year on ABC broadcast. Cartoon drove the whole toy line. (and were almost certainly a simultaneous release -- back then, toy lines tooled up and tended to release simultaneously, or just ahead, of the show or movie)
  9. Hard to say it is "more 80's than" Goonies -- though I would agree it is "equally 80's" But honestly, that makes BOTH of those movies a "9" as an "everyone should watch it" to have insight into decade-defining movies.
  10. Very cool. Somehow missed the original discussion on this.
  11. I actually had the opposite take, rewatching Ghostbusters 2. There are a number of segments of it that feel a bit low-budget/low-effort and it is quite a bit worse than I remembered (having only seen it in theaters as a kid). The first movie centers on a much better villain, and the "build-up" of the paranormal stuff is just better all around. First movie is definitely not intended to be a "kid's movie"... but rewatching the 2nd one, it very clearly is dialed back to make it one.
  12. Nah, that definitely is not the TV-edit i had a tape of.
  13. For the life of me I can't remember the TV-edit line for that.
  14. Yeah, that's true. It really is a different time where the smoking stands out more, even, that stuff like the phones and computers.
  15. Coin toss between a 9 and a 10. It wasn't until a couple years ago that I finally watched it on DVD, rather than having seen the TV edit for so many years growing up. Primary change is the line about the ectoplasm in the library: TV Edit: so somebody blows their *nose* and you want to keep it? Original: so somebody blows their *load*
  16. Alternatively... I suspect that Billy Mitchel is the way he is because HE was stuffed into one too many lockers in high school
  17. From the picture, I'd assumed he slided it thin before cooking, not after, so we are only guessing at the internal temperature.
  18. One can hope, but almost half the country seems to still believe it is media hype that is going to end after next Tuesday...
  19. "Owning" the shares isn't about being made whole in a bankruptcy, since I agree that isn't realistic. But there are other types of accountability that go along with it that I think do matter. I agree that China isn't going to go away... but there are a lot of layers to the intentionally obfuscated and artificially inflated financial onion over there that can lead to the rug being pulled out from under you as an investor. In terms of how much exposure I'd take, I'd think more in percentage than absolute-$, but a small stake is probably worth the risk, given what you've mentioned about how ingrained they are in that market.
  20. I have mixed feelings about Chinese stocks. For instance "BABA" (the US-market-traded version of Alibaba) is NOT actually real shares in the company, in the way you buy shares of US or European companies. I haven't researched it deeply, but it wouldn't surprise me if the same was true for other Chinese companies that trade on US exchanges. (if I recall correctly, it had to do with company ownership rules in China) And at the end of the day... it is no great secret that financial reports from Chinese companies are fabrications, through and through. Coupled with those companies only operating at the pleasure of the CCP. Shareholders just choose to ignore that, for the most part - at least for now (and in extreme cases like Luckin Coffee) Obviously, there is still money to be made trading or owning those stocks -- but in terms of what your shares actually represent, it seems fundamentally different, in a way that, personally, I wouldn't want to own much of it. (also, Jack Ma is weird, even by billionaire standards :P)
  21. The 2018 vs 2019 had to do with whether you'd already filed at the time, and whether it had already been accepted/reviewed. (in my mom's case, she had already filed, but there was some substantial delay in the IRS accepting the return -- so they used her 2018 taxes anyway)
  22. There was a 1-time direct payment for $1200 per person (so $2400 for a married couple) with an additional $600 per child-dependent. (big snafu at the time was college-student-dependents not "counting" and weren't getting their own check because they are a tax-dependent of their parents) There was a federal boost of $600/wk to unemployment which ended some time ago (and had a supplemental amount added back) -- but I don't have any direct experience with that, other than my sister-in-law being furloughed in a 1-week-on/1-week-off fashion that made it practically impossible for her to actually get unemployment in the state of FL. (big takeaway is there are people who are STILL waiting for their FIRST unemployment checks, in some states and areas, that first filed back in March)
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