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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. A stimulus was going to be needed regardless. Whether places were required to shut down, or not, restaurant spending and store visits were going to plummet as people acted on information of the pandemic.
  2. I'm buying cheap discs and ripping them for a local server. Not looking for digital/cloud copies
  3. I've been gradually stocking up my media server, and recently picked up the universal classic monsters collection on sale -- watched Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, and Dracula with the kids (almost-4 and almost-7) yesterday. They both got a kick out of it.
  4. Good. Never understood how he could support a president that was the equivalent of the bad manager and Dogbert having a love child.
  5. Check the link I posted upthread for what a TRUE believer in GME looks like...
  6. Is that the market realizing that people are still going to buy cranberries for Thanksgiving, or something?
  7. I'll give it a 7. Definitely has a lot of scenes that a rewatchably funny -- though for as funny as it is, it DOES briefly kill my suspension of disbelief that he paints a bare metal miniature with no primer!
  8. Epic. Do you have a link of all the stupid shit Trump says like this as an easy link to throw back on the people that want to lean on Biden "having dementia"? (I mean, other than a link to his Twitter, obviously :P)
  9. This goes back to my Forrest Gump reference -- Homer Simpson is basically a less-good-person version of Forrest Gump in the Simpson's universe.
  10. For some light reading -- THIS is the portfolio of a guy that really believes in GME! Hard to believe you wouldn't take an entire retirement-portfolio's worth of that off the table, at this point... but like I said, I'm not one of the "cool kids" (or rather, degenerate gamblers).
  11. It very definitely went hand-in-hand with the Republicans entrenching themselves on those key social issues, though, from what I recall.
  12. Mario is just the Forrest Gump of Video Game Land -- he has all the jobs, and somehow manages to excel at all of them, with no real rhyme or reason behind his competence
  13. To go along with this, is Mario named as the main character in Wrecking Crew?
  14. It is definitely interesting to read what people are up to over there -- and there probably is money to be made paying attention to the general sentiment. But I don't personally view widespread options trading as being particularly healthy... but maybe I'm just not cool enough
  15. For specific stocks, with specific characteristics, in the short-term, sure. But long-term, I would disagree
  16. Well, the WSB guys have started piling in, from what I've seen in my casual reading, so the hype is definitely there in the short term it seems.
  17. I feel like the rise on this issue correlated with the intensifying of the discussions around gay marriage and the now-on-going discussion of legalizing marijuana. Those are really the two key "socially liberal" issues for "otherwise-fiscal-conservatives", IMO. EDIT: though from the early Bush era -- it is ALSO a split related to how much was being spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since those are clearly NOT "fiscally conservative" events, by any stretch.
  18. Microsoft has deep enough coffers that they can easily afford to not get paid up front for their consoles. It would surprise me a little bit if Sony could easily afford to cover that kind of financing themselves -- then again, they probably have the credit rating to issue bonds to do it, rather than handling it like MIcrosoft could easily do out of their massive income/cash-hoard. I DO think that them converting the "spiky" console-release-cycle income to much more steady subscription-service income is almost certainly a good thing, though. Running a boom-and-bust business is really tough.
  19. That's a good point that the rent-to-own XBox situation is almost certainly going to increase average attach-rate. EDIT: but your point about refurb-and-resell -- if Pachter's numbers are right, at 6 payments in, Gamestop only earned about $20. They have almost no room to mark it down at that point. Any refurb-and-resell incentive to make it meaningfully more attractive than buying your own brand-new-zero-down console would have to be backstopped by Microsoft.
  20. I wonder who the credit servicer is for the All Access "rent to own" portion, and what is the expected default rate?
  21. Unfortunately, as someone with a couple of physicians in the family that lean conservative, I can attest the fact that this kind of editorial is only going to cause right-leaning physicians to dig in hard with a "stay in your lane" mantra (which I find to be completely absurd, because the direction of the country is EVERYONE'S "lane"). But then the rest of the right-leaning voters see "their" doctors making that type of call, and they'll look past the inherent hypocrisy of it and dig in deeper themselves.
  22. Pretty sure most countries would generally require either a degree and a professional job of some kind, or enough money to buy an investor's visa, in order to move there on a permanent basis (assuming you're not a spouse of a citizen of that country).
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