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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. I don't take issue with you voting 3rd party, at all. I don't buy into the notion of a vote for a 3rd party being a "spoiler" vote of any kind.
  2. And you would vote for a person that fits that description, to be the president?
  3. I think your appraisal of his character and motives is extremely generous, to say the least...
  4. Do you really think it should be so hard for Trump to clearly and unequivocally denounce the white supremacist and white nationalist groups that support him? And if he had just said "stand down", while that is still a pathetically weak excuse for denouncement... it would have been worlds better than tacking on "and stand by". There is real danger in his careless phrasing, and for all of his claims of "law and order", he has done absolutely fuck-all to address what the FBI sees as the greatest domestic threat of violence and terrorism. Just to add another thought/question here... you're OK enough with Trump having had the feds throwing protestors into unmarked vans, earlier in the summer, that it doesn't put you off of potentially voting for him? Do you think he has handled the pandemic WELL? or even "adequately"? Do you take issue, at all, with him owing unknown foreign lenders hundreds of millions of dollars that come due during his potential second term? Do you have any problem with the amount of money he has funneled into his properties by how he has structured lodging for his entourage at both Mar a Lago and Trump Tower? And to go along with that, do you take any issue at all, with not just the absurd amount of golf he has managed to play... but that he has done so at courses he owns, lining his coffers in the process? Just a sampling without even getting into a whole range of policy issues. Or maybe, phrasing the question differently, what is your breaking point for deciding that Donald Trump should not be the president?
  5. It is an interesting spin on the facts to say that Biden's words were a defense of ANTIFA. And "Stand bank and stand by" is the most pathetic excuse for a condemnation I have heard in my life, that the Proud Boys very clearly are taking as marching orders. It isn't about being "offended". It is about recognizing the threat of the situation where Trump is enabling and encouraging white supremacist groups. There is real danger here.
  6. https://news.yahoo.com/proud-boys-standing-down-standing-031200491.html And evidently the Proud Boys took it as clear marching orders are "standing by" to fight Antifa. I'm sure this will all turn out well.
  7. I had the impression that the "Proud Boys" are "white "nationalists", and were kind of dumped on by harder core white supremacists. (they describe themselves as "western chauvinists" -- though whether that is completely accurate or not, I haven't read enough about them to say) But the President completely failed to distance himself from any of it, and it was a national embarrassment. No, I don't think Brazil needs sanctions. And personally I think it's a relatively unlikely thing to happen. But either way, it certainly wouldn't be a key issue that would somehow push my support to Trump. Though I find it both surprising and fascinating that you think some discussion about sanctions against Brazil in the middle of that dumpster fire last night ranks as a major issue in making an election decision.
  8. I really hope you're not suggesting that any of Biden's shortfalls last night are remotely on par with the president of the united states telling his white-nationalist supporters to patrol polling places on election day...
  9. So who in this discussion that supports Trump wants to clarify or defend your take on "Stand back and stand by"...?
  10. Agreed on Fire Tablets working surprisingly well once you configure them properly. Zoom works just fine on it.
  11. I haven't played much of the post-title-switch games, so haven't seen the Chimera thing... which doesn't even make sense, since the in-game wyverns are definitely NOT "chimeras" in any classical sense. And I'm glad that they weren't called Dragon Quest here, originally (1) because Dragon Warrior just sounds cooler and (2) we wouldn't have had the homebrew PC game "Warrior Dragon"
  12. Faxanadu is a "great" game, IMO. And actually both Faxanadu and Astyanax were games I picked out as a kid based on their titles
  13. Seems like a pretty a clear conflict of interest to me. Though, to go along with that, in the collectibles market, when it comes to the very rarest items, it was pointed out when WATA started that there are inescapable potential conflicts with some things, because if you are known to be the only person that has a thing, and you send it to get graded, no "anonymization" scheme could possibly work -- everyone will always know who the grade is for. Tough to avoid that kind of potential for conflict without outright refusing service to people.
  14. $20, IIRC. MIGHT have been $25 (but I might be getting that price point mixed up with Fireball Island) The expansions were, I THINK, $12 for each of the two small expansions, and closer to $20 for the Elf and Barbarian quest packs. But for as cool as the original is, there is no denying that the miniatures quality is substantially lower (lost details and the plastics more brittle) than modern materials and techniques (i.e. plastics now can get super-crisp results on par with metal castings) But the price point for the re-release is pretty solid for a modern-day big box release with that many miniatures, using high quality modern materials. EDIT: as a point of comparison, back when MB was selling Heroquest for $20, "Advanced Heroquest" was what Games Workshop was publishing in "serious" game stores for something like $60, with a lot fewer miniatures and less in-box content (though better miniatures quality, on-par with actual Warhammer plastics of the day). Then a few years later Warhammer Quest retailed for something like $80, with about the same amount of "stuff" that came in a box of Heroquest (again with full-on Warhammer quality plastics, though). Heroquest was a SCREAMING DEAL for what it was, at the time. The next closest game in price point, Dragonstrike, had EVEN LOWER QUALITY miniatures, though it "benefited" from D&D-lite rules, which was an interesting twist on how "samey-samey" some of the dice combat becomes in Heroquest. Anyway... to remake Heroquest will "top quality" plastics, puts this at a totally fair price point, pretty much exactly on par with any other big-box miniatures-heavy release with the added benefit that it scratches the specific Heroquest itch that is currently very expensive to satisfy on eBay for those that don't still have their original game.
  15. Descent, and a number of the FFG games are pretty easily served with an app, since they have really straightforward rules for playing without a proper DM. (same for Warhammer Quest from GW, back in the day). You could pull something similar off for Heroquest, but it would involve developing house rules for monster behaviors that aren't necessarily part of the core game design.
  16. This is a great family game, IMO, so not something you necessarily need to play with a separate friend group, and NOWHERE NEAR as "involved" as keeping up with an AD&D commitment.
  17. I didn't look into it, so it is a nice revelation that it includes a functional 1st person look mode. I'll keep an eye on the price, because I wouldn't mind revisiting that game -- don't think I've played the original since 1999, and I was spoiled by the updated play control of MGS2 shortly after.
  18. Just got an ad for this from GOG. Has anyone here played this version and have any feedback on how well it works? I gather there are some fan mods that improve it.
  19. I guess I've never seen a PAL version of the game. Is it a standard gray cart?
  20. I recall him being pretty guarded about his actual opinions around that time.
  21. Am I missing a joke here? Rolling Thunder is on a black Tengen cart.
  22. Don't worry... he is still blaming Obama (and somehow Hillary Clinton) for everything wrong in the world. I don't recall hearing him explicitly dump on Trump, because if he had, I doubt he would have had the presidential medal from him, given how Trump keeps grudges.
  23. Goes without saying, since I'm pretty sure he originates most of those right-wing tropes at this point. I'll listen to his show every so often so that I know what kind of BS is being put out into the world. It is genuinely frightening to hear what his callers have to say about their opinion on things.
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