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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. Looking at their recent quarterly losses, it is seems a bit hard to imagine these two console releases putting them all the way into the realm of profitability. "The real question", IMO, is the opportunity cost of staying investing in GME, whether they go completely belly-up, or not. To that end, I'd be curious to know where Jonebone thinks it could go from here, versus being invested in literally anything else now that the bulk of the losses are managed.
  2. Knights of the Round was the closest the SNES got to Golden Axe, and was basically a very light weight version of the Dungeons and Dragons arcade games. Definitely fun. Final Fight are obviously classics, as well. I spent A LOT of hours with friends playing Maximum Carnage, though.
  3. I haven't actually seen NNW all the way through, but recently picked it up on a Hitchcock dvd set to fill out some content on my media server. Vertigo is probably my wife's favorite Hitchcock movie, and it factored into some of our San francisco sight seeing when we were out there 8 or 10 years ago. Rear window is solid, as well.
  4. arch_8ngel


    It's Denis Villeneuve. If anyone can do this movie well, he can.
  5. Maze/cave exploration is always a good genre for this. As a total wildcard, work up something like The Witness (previous NES demake just involved typical overhead RPG view, from what i recall -- but with raster you can work in genuine perspective-based environmental puzzles)
  6. Based on your "angry" reactions to my posts about DS "Zelda" games, I think you're self assessment is accurate
  7. I'm not saying it isn't OK to like those games, I guess, because to each his own. But they are "Zelda games" in name only I might actually prefer the CDi games as "zelda games" to them (not really, I haven't played the CDi games)
  8. But it is Alien for teens/kids Kind of makes it more surprising that it hasn't happened. Or at the very least that it never got a saturday morning cartoon.
  9. Know what would make an interesting video game movie? Metroid, done entirely in first person, like the FPS scenes of Doom the Movie.
  10. It should have had an animated movie, back in the day, like Transformers and GI Joe...
  11. arch_8ngel


    Denis Villeneuve can overcome all odds.
  12. arch_8ngel


    It's the guy that did Blade Runner 2049 -- it is going to be epic.
  13. Kind of wish they had stayed with the distinct level design of the original instead of a rogue-lite. Twin stick shooters in that format can get very "samey-samey" very quickly.
  14. When a number like $2T gets quoted in relation to tax cuts or increases it is almost always over a 10 year period. $200B/yr isn't chump change, but it's not as big as you're making it out to be.
  15. While that certainly applies to the guys learning how to make the games themselves, you are really overblowing what it takes to make a printed box if you think that the repro market (versus homebrew only) was somehow a necessary condition or a critical evolution. And regardless, I am pretty sure the guys like Vince that were the earliest to diecutting and box printing predated Timewalk even existing.
  16. Timewalk were just guys capitalizing on people that would seemingly buy anything at that point in time, that got too big for their own good. Other than scale, there is nothing particularly special about having Nintendo threaten to shut you down. Honestly, to me, Timewalks main legacy is one of muddying the waters and causing "brand confusion" for the masses that didn't understand the difference between reproductions and actual homebrew. I don't think that is something that should be celebrated. Anyway, sorry for inaccurately suggesting that you were into all of their stuff - thought I had a recollection of your name consistently being on one of those repro makers pre-order lists when they'd pop up on NAge.
  17. This seems like a bit of a ridiculous stance, to me. Maybe you have a better historical record of CIB homebrew vs repros than is immediately coming to mind -- but CIB homebrews hit the scene pretty early on, because decent quality diecutters aren't all that expensive and people were using them for releases nearly from the beginning. There was definitely a solid period of early homebrew where CIB were generally only for LE's, though, due to perceived price sensitivity. But there is absolutely nothing about CIB reproductions that was some kind of critical breakthrough for the CIB homebrew to exist in a professional looking form factor.
  18. "only" gave it an 8, but it is a great movie with a great cast, all in their prime. Lots of very creative action in a time before that sort of thing was commonly overdone. While it is a great movie, that holds up well, I think anyone that watches this movie for the first time now is going to be missing a lot of the context of the times for what made this move so special in the 90's.
  19. I know you were into pretty much everything Timewalk back then, and I'm not disputing that they certainly pumped out the most content and made the biggest business out of it. But there were multiple other people die-cutting printed boxes (Vince was in that scene before Timewalk was even a thing, and there were a few others that the various actual homebrewers used over the years). It was long enough ago that I don't have names other than Vince at the ready. But he was definitely not the only guy doing box-only runs.
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