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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. It has been awhile since I've read the detailed discussion of it, but part of why the age for cigarettes was moved to 21 was based on evidence that the higher drinking age DID, in fact, reduce youth access to alcohol, versus a younger drinking age of 18. Part of the difference with Europe, is they tend to not also be populated by inexperienced 16-year-old drivers, and even villages are generally more walkable, so they aren't going to be dealing with youth DUI in the way we have to consider. And 18 year olds that join the military are allowed to have access to at least beer at certain base facilities. (harder alcohol is still restricted)
  2. Yeah, they are currently listed as "Limit 2", so they should stick around. If they blow through demand, I could see a set like this getting a back-order/reorder like the big pirate ship, as well. I think they learned their lesson after how upset some people were about missing the Delorean or the Exo Suit.
  3. A lot of good stuff already mentioned. I've built up a fairly substantial collection of Scooby Doo since my kids are into it. The classic series is fun to revisit. I've also recently added Jonny Quest. Legend of Zelda is corny-fun. And one of these days I'll find a decent copy of Mysterious Cities of Gold.
  4. Trump is so far ahead he wants to delay the election to give Joe a chance to catch up!
  5. Yeah, I definitely agree with that sentiment.
  6. The people that reliably hyper-tap don't need to get away with sloppier stacking because they're already awesome at the game... (also their idea of a "sloppy" stack and your or my idea are going to be a bit different, since I've seen those guys pull off some crazy flip-into-place moves that I didn't even know were possible -- like one of Thor's recoveries in EOO)
  7. Thought that the guys that functionally play at level 29+ use DAS + hypertapping, to benefit from the "lead off" that DAS provides.
  8. Less meaty too, from what I had. It was another in a LONG list of disappointing KFC visits where every time my wife and I swear "never again"... (until we wait a few years and forget how bad it was)
  9. They got it right for the very first round of their initial release, and I'm willing to bet the unit cost was too expensive the way it was being made, because the re-release was nowhere near as good.
  10. Have you looked at independent lab tests of various herbal supplements to see what they actually contain? If not, you are operating on a basis of trust you'd likely be ill-advised to have. What I believe are independent test results, and unregulated supplements have a pretty bad track record of only containing what they claim to contain, or even having what they claim in the quantities they claim. That said, I find anecdotes interesting as a jumping off point for further reading, so I would be interested in hearing what improved your psoriasis.
  11. Well, there was a report a couple years ago about how many "male enhancement" supplements at GNC were actually just illegal viagra, or how many workout supplements were illegal (and uncertain quantities of) anabolic steroids. It is an issue that should steer any intelligent person away from unregulated supplements.
  12. I'm not disagreeing with you. But it is a legitimate phenomenon, and it cuts both ways.
  13. It is the paradox of tolerating intolerance allows the intolerance to spread until it is the majority behavior.
  14. Maybe your pills of crushed up gingko biloba are plant leaves... maybe they work because they're tainted with speed. Personally, I wouldn't recommend someone consume any non-food item that hasn't been tested by an independent lab in some way to verify the contents.
  15. This "issue" with "chinese medicine" (and frankly anything sold as "supplements) is that without a regulating body like the FDA, if it is not just a dietary change, you have no idea what you're actually taking.
  16. Knowing when to burn and keeping the stack low is way more important for most of us that "perfect DAS control". You only really need the DAS control if you want to take risks and get stacked more than a single Tetris high. You can play conservatively up there as long as you can think fast enough to keep the stack down. Totally different style of play from the comfortable risk taking of < Level 18.
  17. You really don't. Good control of the DAS is what you need to make it to Level 29 from Level 19+, and hypertapping + DAS is needed at 29+. But I have pretty limited, if any DAS control, and can survive the 18-19 transition up into the mid-20's.
  18. A Level 19 max out is a recognized special accomplishment over doing it from Level 18, where you can accumulate most of the points at a much slower speed.
  19. No, the lowest level you can practically start for a really solid point run is Level 9. But the "best" level to start for points, if you can handle the speed is Level 18. There is a custom build for the serious Tetris players out there that no longer caps at 999,999. A bunch of new records have been set in the last year, or so. It has been crazy.
  20. Couldn't you easily say the same about Trump in his own second term, with him being 4 years older, and 4 years fatter than last time around?
  21. He legitimately deserved to get ragged on over the mom-jeans, though. That was WELL into the era of men being able to buy decent fitting jeans off-the-rack, let alone getting stuck with a 90's-mom-butt profile.
  22. I will never get over how quickly the crowd that decried every action taken by Obama, to include inane shit like his choice of mustard, trivialized all criticisms of Trump as "orange man bad" -- and THEN immediately shifted gears into "biden is senile" with no further critique. The cognitive dissonance is staggering.
  23. Best thing I saw today was somebody selling a nice functional grade of mask with the slogan "this mask is useless" emblazoned on it for that crowd to wear "ironically"... while still tricking them into doing something helpful.
  24. *whoosh* It's a general commentary on the fact that you don't see the "don't tread on me" crowd piss and moan about having to wear a shirt in a restaurant, but suddenly wearing a mask (ordered by their state, which CAN do so) is a bridge too far and they're being oppressed.
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