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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. Just watched the original The Muppet Movie with my kids.
  2. Their "well seasoned" fry oil is part of the experience! But seriously, they have excellent batter and their hushpuppies are hands-down the best hushpuppies you can get at any restaurant, period I've never had anything that comes close, and I've had a LOT of hushpuppies from a broad range of restaurants, over the years.
  3. Never had Arthur Treacher's... I think they only ever existed in malls in GA. Long John Silver was a weekly staple growing up, though, because they were about halfway between the house and my dad's office, so we'd meet him for dinner on his on-call evening/night once a week. As a kid, I didn't care for the fish -- just ate the chicken planks and the hushpuppies. But as an adult, I have come to appreciate their fried fish as being the closest thing to 80/90's-era London street food you can get in the USA. (i.e. the kind of fish and chips that were wrapped in the previous day's newspaper)
  4. You're looking at it the wrong way. LJS has the best fish-and-chips and "unique" chicken "planks" (though admittedly, those are just something I have a lot of nostalgia for, rather than them being legitimately good) plus you get hushpuppies -- AND you get a guaranteed reboot of your guts
  5. You should be. They are Sunday-roadtrip-salvation when Chik Fil A is closed and you don't want a burger.
  6. Pretty sure that would be "tallow"... lard is pork fat Though chicken fried in lard IS good (and chicken fried in tallow is probably even better)
  7. Seriously. I would take the relatively fit (looking) 77 year old over the obese 74 year old. All of the mental health arguments against Biden are BS, and are just as readily leveled at Trump. Once you know Biden's background of having to work around a stutter, essentially all of his occasionally-odd phrasings make sense. Though in a perfect world, we'd have people willing to vote for a 3rd party to where they could offer a viable challenge to the turd and the shit sandwich being offered by the two majors.
  8. No idea if any exist in the USA, but his face was everywhere in Malaysia 8 years ago, or so.
  9. @fcgamer do you have Kenny Roger's fried chicken in Taiwan? I don't know how far the reach extends in Asia, but that place was really popular in Malaysia. (an Malaysian fried chicken is easily the best I've had, compared to anything in the USA, because they use palm oil -- terrible for you, terrible for orangutan habitat, probably terrible for human rights on the plantations, as well...but DELICIOUS).
  10. I have a 4-player Quartet cabinet that has languished in my office for the last 8 years, or so, waiting for me to do a refurb I'll bring it home once I can finally clear up the space, and then I"ll be more likely to actually get the work done... (needs button upgrades -- original is a bunch of mostly-worn-out leaf switches) At some point, I'd like to put in a switch-able harness/board to give it other 4-player games or a 2-player multi-board of some kind. I also inherited an OLD pinball machine (1960's era version of 8-ball). It needs a ton of work, but has a lot of sentimental value, so I'll make a project with the kids one day.
  11. Do they not still offer regular whole-meat breast-fillet sandwiches at Wendy's? I had assumed that was what he was referring to, not the value-menu chicken sandwiches.
  12. So the fried coating isn't crunchy on yours? That sounds like it's own kind of horrible
  13. Aren't they more like the Volvo of shoes? Or would that be Rockport?
  14. I'll get burgers from Wendy's any day of the week, because they are OK enough for the price, though certainly not "great" by any standard. But the last time I had their spicy chicken sandwich it just tasted like crunchy smoke. It was terrible. Yes, it was years ago, back when they introduced them in the first place -- but it was bad enough that I'd never be willing to try it again and they have forever discredited themselves as a purveyor of chicken sandwiches
  15. I wouldn't even recommend the chicken sandwich at Wendy's to my enemies.
  16. Had one today, actually. It had been so long I'd forgotten how good they actually were, especially with the cajun fries.
  17. Yeah... I don't know how these guys with low ratings could be children of the 80's
  18. Awesome and fun movie that a ton of video game culture in the 90's draws inspiration from. Also, showed that not only is John Carpenter a great director, but an incredible composer. Easily one of the most memorable original soundtracks of the era.
  19. Well, McRib was originally developed as a way to deal with a chicken shortage, wasn't it? (where they instead developed a pork product as a non-beef option) And over the past year, pork markets have been crazy. (wild swings up and down, at least from what I've seen at the grocery store) I'd be willing to bet that they don't have sufficient price stability to offer it at the moment.
  20. The ONLY thing that ever breaks the magic for me is Madmartigan's line about the "king of kasmir". Otherwise it is solid swords-and-sorcery on the tail end of the era where that genre saw its prime.
  21. Yes it is pretty typical for every set to have at least one unique part. (either specific shape/color combo, or custom screen printed part) If you are going to piece it together, you either compromise and use something that approximates it, or you can just buy the individual parts once they it the after-market on Brick Link.
  22. Yes, the figure supposedly does have some interaction with the TV/NES-console set as well. But it is the core set of a whole new licensed product line from LEGO as well (various Mario World levels and enemies)
  23. The part list will end up on Brick Link, I would imagine. But given the part count, it is pretty fairly priced as-is, so unless you had an absolutely massive collection, I'd think you don't have all the parts in the colors you'd need anyway.
  24. We're American. We don't bow to royalty or heads of state.
  25. He is talking about the new line of SMB lego sets where Mario has an LCD-screen face that interacts with various blocks. They look interesting, as a concept. but I don't really see the appeal of the builds/sets themselves. But the LEGO NES console... that has my interest.
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