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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. The 95 stands for blocks "95% of small particles". That is not quite the same thing as specifically being 95% effective against covid-19. Could be more, or less, depending on the properties of the particulate in question. Wearing an N95 with exhaust valves practically defeats the purpose of general mask wearing (i.e. protecting others from yourself), so people need to be cautious of what kind they use if they are using that type of mask. Interestingly, there were some studies of using various types of paper filter in cloth masks that achieve the practical effectiveness of N95, at least as it specifically relates to exhaled particulate transmission. (i.e. effective if everyone does it)
  2. It isn't just "in-group loyalty" between cops that is the problem. There are major issues with city and state attorney willingness to bring charges, to where there is a systemic problem that fundamentally fails to hold police accountable. It all compounds on itself, combined with a continual erosion of public trust.
  3. I'm pretty sure that if Obama had done half of what Trump has done, he'd have been assassinated. What is going on with the unmarked vans and abductions is going to end with blown up buildings and/or dead people if it isn't stopped.
  4. While it may be unrealistic to expect unlawful killings to be brought down to zero -- what CAN be done is to hold police accountable for 100% of unlawful killings and break up the culture of closing ranks around bad cops. Better and reliable enforcement mechanisms need to exist for bad cops.
  5. That is hugely disturbing and not only does it need to be stopped immediately, there are people in the decision making chain that need to be fired or possibly jailed over it.
  6. Haven't played this version of it, but the original Crypt of the Necrodancer is a really cool spin on turn-based rogue-likes, by having the rhythm/beat mechanic "force" the turn taking. Makes for some really cool battle mechanics, and allows for a bunch of alternate characters with their own special mechanics that completely shake things up.
  7. Going to depend on the state and public-vs-private. The school (in coastal VA) we're registering for as a backup for the fall claims they'll definitely be open with smaller class sizes and various risk management efforts they've been using during the summer for summer child care. (my younger kid will be going there for Pre-K anyway) And the public schools are attempting to prioritize getting the youngest kids back in first, though it would be challenging whether or not they do every-other-day or all remote. But we'll see where things are in a month and a half.
  8. No joke. We have more runway than most, since our schools don't start until the day after Labor Day. But we're getting my daughter registered for the local Lutheran School as a backup option for 1st grade that we'll use depending on where things are in September and how the schools phase in classes. They at least have the flexibility of smaller class sizes that let them manage things better with the kids.
  9. Popeye's beats out Bojangles and KFC handily. And the breakfast biscuits at Chik Fil A and Hardees aren't really the right texture, IMO.
  10. They have the best mashed potatoes and gravy in the business, as well. Nothing else comes close, not even childhood nostalgia for the way KFC used to do it.
  11. Definitely agree. It's just rare that I want to deal with the wait.
  12. Ha! Airports have a full complement of real restaurants and all of the typical fast food places. Not really any different than the quality of any restaurant you'll typically eat at short of fine dining and mom-and-pop places. Point is, they are both relatively quick, and both avoid the inevitable regret of having eaten fast food cheeseburgers at 35,000 ft.
  13. Some of you guys must just have bad franchises around you. Popeyes is the other strong contender for best airport food, that fills in the gap that Chik Fil A leaves when it is closed on Sunday But I would generally prefer our local Popeye's to Chik Fil A, if the lines were so ridiculously slow all the time.
  14. Popeye's business model is getting all of the Sunday business that Chik Fil A leaves on the table (they are decent though -- way better than modern KFC, and their mashed potatoes are the best there are)
  15. Because a well run Chik Fil A can clear a line that wraps the building faster than a Burger King can clear 3 cars.
  16. So they're taking orders at the normal drive thru signs during peak times? Ours is a single line, but will wrap the building and snake through the parking lot, and you'll still get through it faster than being behind 3 or 4 cars at most other places. The key is all of the crew being curbside processing orders so that all of the payments are happening when the order is made versus the window worker needing to process payments AND hand out meals.
  17. Still sounds slow compared to my primary local store. They have gotten absurdly fast, with 3 people taking orders and processing payments curbside, 1 attendant handing out receipts when you roll past where the now-unused order-sign is, and 2 or 3 people getting order-trays from the pickup window to hand food to the cars in line. It is a sight to behold, and you basically just roll through it all in continuous motion.
  18. That just isn't true At least in GA, CFA had a huge following for decades before there was a whiff of controversy around them. The controversy did all happen around a huge expansion of theirs, though. (around the same time that Zaxby's really started expanding outside of GA)
  19. Once they get fully trained, the line will still LOOK ridiculous, but it is the fastest moving drive thru line imaginable. All other companies should hire Chik Fil A to train them how to operate a drive thru.
  20. It would require a time machine to get Kentucky Fried Chicken that came anywhere close to how good it was in the 80's or earlier. I haven't bought KFC in the last 15 years and had anything but regret afterwords.
  21. Dooo eeeet. (I just ordered mine after kicking the can down the road for awhile :P)
  22. I can't really tell, and I haven't read any of the reviews to know for sure. Either way, the standard nowadays is for alternate builds to have full instructions, at least (vs the old days where you were guessing from the box). BTW - the "pop up book" is also a really cool set. Got that one for my wife when it was on sale awhile back.
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