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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. Trump's supporters also think him being a billionaire is some great testament to his business prowess and intelligence. Really, it is almost purely a testament to how difficult it is to lose a substantial fortune that he inherited from his dad.
  2. I do feel that way about my city's local monuments. They're just statues. People that deify them need to get over it and realize they are arbitrary man-made monuments.
  3. They're just statues. Rioting and wrecking shit is pretty neutral in its "american-ness". But certainly not "more unamarican" than some of the fascist claptrap that has come out of Trump's mouth lately.
  4. Yeah, I definitely prefer the "classic-sized" Link of LA, versus the more Willow-like Link of ALTTP. Just makes it all "feel" different.
  5. BuT tHe MaInStReAm MeDiA iS sO mEaN tO hIm AnD oNlY rEpOrT tHe BaD sTuFf...
  6. In a strange turn of events the sound byte they played for him on NPR was when he was being rebooted after getting torn apart in Alien.
  7. It will be interesting to see whether the SEC gets a hold of him and his cronies for all of the "convenient" tweets that moved markets over the last few years.
  8. Trump just fucks prostitutes and pays them off from his campaign funds.
  9. Strongly suspect that extra footage was just the LAPD saying "we know where you live"... EDIT: There is absolutely zero reason to believe that the trial of the officers who beat Rodney King was anything but utterly corrupt, given both the specific police department involved, and the time period (i.e. 90's-era lack of additional independent bystander footage, and a broader public attitude of trusting police over victims of their violence)
  10. Good luck in your hunt! Really great demo game and the cartridge ROM has an extra jetpack level that doesn't exist in the downloadable version.
  11. Did you ever know anyone that participated in College Republicans? Even going to college in the south, on a fairly conservative-leaning campus, those guys were generally total dickbags that were going an extra mile to try and fight for their cause.
  12. https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/emergency-disinfection-drinking-water Guess it depends on the size of the cap... but that sounds pretty close to correct for a 5 gallon jug based on the EPA guidelines for water purification. My mom and dad used to do mission trips to Honduras, and using bleach correctly always got lost in translation to where the locals thought you should be able to SMELL IT for it have had any effect...needless to say they were clearly using too much.
  13. Yeah, they came in a big envelope together as part of the subscription-giveaway for DW1/NP to get people hyped for DW2. (though didn't ship WITH the DW1 games that came with the promo, to my recollection as a kid at the time)
  14. As recently as 10-15 years ago, my local Chuck E Cheese was nearly 100% "ticket games" and "kiddie rides". With the floor-foot-print of "skill based" ticket games being identical to the "old days", and the replacement of "real arcade games" being with 100% luck-based ticket gambling machines. What "they understand" is that kids at a birthday party will happily spend other people's money on a 10 second gambling thrill until they eventually run out of tokens and trade the results for a tootsie roll and a rubber snake.
  15. They will gladly let you in without kids. (at least as recently as 10 years ago, when my wife and I dropped in for a pre-movie beer and a few games of skeeball) And longer ago than that, my friends and I went to Chuck E Cheese for my 19th birthday (:P) back when they still had actual arcade games.
  16. Chuck E Cheese became a casino-for-kids over the last 20 years, or so. Big move away from "traditional" arcade games, big move towards "ticket gambling". They retained the "midway"/"boardwalk" style games like whack a mole or skee ball (i.e. skill-based ticket redemption) but MASSIVELY expanded luck-based ticket redemption machines (i.e. spin-the-wheel type games). The whole thing seems like a good opportunity to pick up a skeeball machine though.
  17. I disagree. I'm aligned with Gloves' comment. I'm not interested in arbitrarily "diminishing" views I disagree with. I'm interested in hearing meaningful justifications for things I disagree with. But there simply is no justification for shooting non-violent, unarmed people IN THE FACE with rubber bullets. "Breaking the law" in the generic, SHOULD NOT carry with it the risk of unlimited permanent consequences in a country that claims to have a rule of law and claims to protect the rights of people to protest. To say otherwise certainly seems to suggest that you think what the cop did was somehow reasonable.
  18. Go on and keep trying to justify why it is OK for a cops to maim people over minor offenses. You honestly think this situation was the cop following all of their protocols and training before shooting some non-violent and unarmed person in the face? I honestly don't believe that for a minute. EDIT: and there are MANY examples in the current protests of bystanders being shot/injured by police misusing force with "less lethal" ammunition.
  19. This is quite possibly the dumbest possible retort you could come up with on this topic. "Rules and regulations" should have proportional consequences for breaking them. And when properly applied by the rule-of-law, those consequences, when permanent, are decided by the courts, not some cop in the heat of the moment.
  20. "The bloke" didn't commit violence or harm anyone. The officer shot a person in the face for a fairly minor act of civil disobedience. If officers were better trained, and better behaved, none of this would be happening, either...
  21. You're right, he ended up half blind from a cop that probably didn't properly follow the rules. Ending up half blind is NOT a remotely reasonable expectation for "accountability" for violating curfew. A ticket/citation is a reasonable expectation of accountability.
  22. It has everything to do with it, because now the situation has presented the cop as potentially "unaccountable" if they aren't held liable for their bad actions.
  23. What the fuck? Perhaps? An act of civil disobedience (breaking curfew) does NOT warrant violence in response. Period. Full-stop. Or are you also buying into Trump's bullshit about that elderly protester that was shoved to the ground and hit hard enough to bleed from his ear?
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