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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. I got curious and looked it up -- white protesters are the majority in quite a few places. Blacks certainly have higher per-capita representation in the protests, but you should look up the demographics if you think "the vast majority" are black.
  2. If you're worried about that, buy through a DRM-free platform like GOG and just maintain your own backup.
  3. I've been 100% digital on the PC since the end of the Wii-generation of consoles. I can understand the issue for people that only game on consoles, since you don't have the same level of backward compatibility, but for PC gaming this is so much easier than it ever used to be with physical media.
  4. The first Bill and Ted sequel WAS great (at least as a kid in the target audience, and for its time :P) But it won't be the same without George Carlin.
  5. Of course he doesn't. He said that white Trump supporters by and large THINK they are "patriots".
  6. I gave it a 10, though would have rated it lower, probably, if I hadn't seen it in theaters. Having a return to practical effects of this magnitude was AWESOME.
  7. Never really played beyond MK2 in the arcades -- but as was mentioned MK was NOTORIOUS for badly designed arcade controls. My guess is a console-based arcade stick, nowadays, is laid out in some permutation of the "standard" Capcom configuration, with an extra 4th button on one arc for NEO GEO. But it would be absolutely ridiculous to say that classic JAMMA cabinets or NEO GEO cabinets, where each right-hand finger has a readily accessible button of its own, aren't superior to playing the same game on a controller, with very few exceptions.
  8. I think it is a sad state of affairs that people don't care about how pathetic and how little integrity their representatives have. They should care.
  9. There is a pretty wide gulf between genuine "bravery" and the utter cowardice these guys have been displaying for the last few years. Somewhere in the middle of that spectrum exists people willing to have some actual integrity where, even though one may disagree with them, they are following genuine beliefs in a way that can be somewhat respected. But these guys are pathetic.
  10. GOOD D-pads definitely have certain advantages for certain types of games. But there are relatively few scenarios where there is an advantage to operating buttons with just my right thumb versus having my entire hand spread out with buttons for each finger.
  11. Or they could nut up and denounce something that is worth denouncing. They are cowards.
  12. The problem is that the police union isn't "footing the bill", it is ultimately the local taxpayers. Police need to be required to have some kind of professional liability insurance, that is tied to them INDIVIDUALLY to prevent the abomination of bad cops being "fired" from one city and getting rehired immediately in another town somewhere that doesn't care about their checkered past. Make that liability insurance follow them, so that they are too expensive to rehire. No "3 strikes" -- let actuaries do the real legwork on understanding all of the statistics with completely apolitical motivations. They will tell you what the real "risks" are, in terms of how expensive someone is potentially going to be in the future.
  13. ? Arcade layouts are WAY more "efficient" than pretty much any controller that predates modern multi-trigger and back-button controllers.
  14. Cable using the UHF frequencies has been around for a LONG time. Seems a little more likely that he just happened to have a VHF-only TV, so wasn't able to see the full package. I guess he could be a lot older than I thought, though. @Lincoln one of the early channels you're missing is TBS (it has been around on cable since the mid-70's). And Fox wasn't even created until 1986. Doing a quick lookback over channel history, it is pretty fascinating that Nickelodeon goes back to 1977, and even VH1 (1985) predates Fox. Genuinely surprised you didn't have MTV, though, since that was the definition of having cable in the 80's.
  15. It was a full week, to my recollection. Also, when I said "cable box" -- I was referring to the curbside utility "box" that is really just a molded plastic cover for a bunch of wiring. Those used to have a bunch of filters in them that blocked specific channels.
  16. Reading about the history of the channel, from 90-97 they were "hybrid" where they were premium in some markets and standard in others. I wonder if our market went "standard" for a year (i.e. the year we thought they forgot to put the filter back on), and then switched back to premium for a few years before finally defaulting to being part of basic cable... (the year that we had it for free was definitely in the 91/92 timeframe)
  17. When Disney Channel was paid, we used to have "Disney Week". What is so crazy, is this was back in the day of PHYSICAL FILTERS at the cable box, so the cable company had service techs running around removing and replacing filters (though I think they were probably doing it at a node further up the chain, in some way). One year, they never refiltered the channel and we had Disney Channel for "free" for about a YEAR before it went back off the air. My dad was big into consumer A/V stuff, so he had a couple of high-end VCRs, and he would run both of them, filling tapes, during "Disney Week" so that my sister and I could revisit the content throughout the year. The most memorable standouts, other than Gummi Bears, was obviously taping Super Ducktales (the arc with Gizmoduck), and then a couple of odd-ball movies (Milo and the Phantom Tollbooth, and Tommy Tricker) EDIT: in terms of the randomness -- as far as I am aware, it was a fixed calendar week every year that Disney sponsored to boost their own subscriptions, and the people getting it were notified ahead of time. I never heard of anyone in my market getting anything other than Disney -- I only had one friend with a full premium package of Cinemax, Showtime and HBO... which of course we had a lot of late nights watching during middle school sleepovers.
  18. Pretty sure the NRA advertisement was always to the effect of "when you have seconds to act, the police are minutes away"...
  19. Where they Kellog's toys? Could have been. I just know my sister and I had most of the set of them back-in-the-day. I was surprised by the season count, as well. I bought the first 3 as a DVD set, to share the show with my kids, and when I was getting the discs ripped to the media server and sorting out episode naming, I was shocked that 6 seasons existed. I only ever saw a couple of seasons on Saturday morning cartoons, and then a trickle of the rest on the Disney Channel "Disney Week" promos.
  20. Part of using an arcade stick "correctly" (IMO) is generally going to involve having it on a table or something to better emulate the arcade cabinet form-factor.
  21. The show had 6 seasons, at least one round of Happy Meal toys... it had plenty of traction
  22. My understanding is that it isn't about white people putting their hardships on par with racism, rather it probably has more to do with people saying "well I am not racist", which may well be accurate, which potentially detracts from efforts for systemic change.
  23. Per capita, a disproportionate number compared to whites that end up that way.
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