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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. I certainly haven't polled anyone about it, but in "real life" I don't think I have ever heard "racism" used in the shorthand for "systemic racism" rather than the commonly understood primary dictionary definition. And I don't actually think I had seen it used the way you describe online until sometime in the last year. I think trying to redefine the word to no longer need the additional "systemic" clarification is contributing to a lot of confusion in the conversation as people talk past each other without realizing the people they are talking to are using a different definition entirely.
  2. There is quite a vocal group that tries to make it sound like systemic racism isn't around anymore. There is still considerable systemic racism in place, whether the average person has explicitly racist attitudes or not. (Though there are still plenty of racist attitudes percolating as well)
  3. Having been to the region and being somewhat familiar with how ethnically focused laws are in that part of the world, I am sure that is just an off the cuff example and Dave probably deals with it on a daily basis. I would be genuinely surprised if he wasn't being discriminated against on his housing/rent, for instance. But I am sure there are many daily interactions where whoever he is interacting with is making a whole slew of negative assumptions about Dave because of his race. And I am not AT ALL suggesting that Dave somehow has it as hard as a black person in America, and I doubt he was saying that, either. But he has a different insight into it than most of us would from our own personal experiences, unless we had spent significant amounts of time in places with strong laws supporting the native ethnicities versus immigrants.
  4. Also a definition (though I think it seems prone to confusion to not clearly distinguish that one as "systemic racism") But it seems a bit obtuse to use an alternate definition to say that the primary definition didn't apply in Dave's case, which is pretty clearly what he was talking about. And in fact, I suspect MOST people think of the definition I quoted versus the definition you quoted when confronted with the word "racism", in the generic with no modifiers.
  5. Definition #1 of racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
  6. You don't have to have a history of slavery against a race for systemic racism to be in place. There are very definitely institutional biases in place in many Asian countries that meaningfully constitutes racism. I certainly wouldn't put it on par with American racism in earlier times, but it is incorrect to say it doesn't exist. That said, I think it is an interesting trend to convert the word "racism" to exclusively mean "systemic racism" when historically it also applied to individual attitudes and motivations. At least that was the commonly understood usage whether it was the formal definition or not. Which inevitably leads to a lot of the confusion about how the label gets applied.
  7. I think Dave was trying to make a valid point that he is in the rare situation where white people experience actual racism. No reason to melt down on him about it.
  8. If people who are not discriminated against are discouraged from actively and loudly supporting those who have a history of discrimination, then things never change. People with the power and who don't face the discrimination have to oppose that discrimination for it not to remain the norm.
  9. I mean... everyone is flawed. It is just that Trump is way more flawed than most, when it comes to having a moral compass.
  10. What should be clear is that kneeling on ANYONE's neck in that way for 8 minutes is more likely than not going to kill them...
  11. SML1 engaged in some of the more creative screen-size optimization seen on the Gameboy. SML2 falls victim to the trend of screens ending up cramped due to the "standard sized" sprites. Honestly would have loved to have seen more GB platformers try and squeeze more screen real estate out of their games in the way that SML1 managed to do.
  12. It is more of a re-imagining, in that Miller was given effectively unlimited money (compared to his previous film budgets) and made the movie he'd always wanted...
  13. I'm about 60 - 70 miles from that statue, though Lee's old homestead is a lot closer to my area. I don't personally move in any circles that care too much about "saving" confederate statues -- more like most of the people I know are happy to be rid of them, or think at best they should be in a museum somewhere. Though my neighborhood does have a small confederate burial ground of locals and there USED TO BE a little parade for them every year (and you got to pick out the local racists by seeing who filled their yard with the most mini confederate flags). But a few years back the city instituted a permit requirement for parades and managed to successfully refuse permitting these guys and they eventually gave up. So I'm sure there are plenty of locals upset by it - I just don't know them personally.
  14. And full disclosure - I only ever read the book. Once I finished the book, I couldn't ever make myself watch the movie. There is grim or hopeless...and then there is The Road.
  15. I doubt the design intent was for you to end up with that many Chargin' Chucks on screen at once, though, versus killing them along the way.
  16. Solid 8. If I watched it another time or two, my rating might go up, but it almost feels like a British prequel to The Road, and it is tough to subject yourself to that kind of grim repeatedly. Peak Clive Owen (and strong performances from Julianne Moore and Michael Caine), and a great cast of other on-the-rise British actors.
  17. Loved them back in the day, but caught one of their newer songs recently and Billy's voice has become kind of grating.
  18. https://www.ammoland.com/2010/06/legal-tommy-guns-coming-to-california/#:~:text=PEARL RIVER%2C NY –-(AmmoLand,Tommy Guns to the market.&text=Without a detachable magazine%2C the,pistol grip or flash hider. Though "real" Thompson's are regulated heavily everywhere as submachine guns (require special federal permitting/tax-stamp).
  19. I suspect those bottom few entries on the poll may render differently in different browsers or on different devices. (could make the 2nd-to-last option look like it was a vote of "zero")
  20. Sounds like something a store clerk should be willing to help with. They are already there and paid for their time. Assisting customers should be understood as part of the job.
  21. Most jeans now have 2 way or 4way stretch. And Women's skinny jeans are practically jeggings.
  22. If anything, I would rather see more console games come to PC than the other way around.
  23. Are PC games not "home" systems?
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