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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. There is his typical "dumpster fire", and then there are race riots. There is a level of failure he can achieve here that can generate the kind of minority support that Biden needs to win, when Trump only ever won in the first place due to opposition-apathy.
  2. We are in WAY too "dynamic" a time for anything to be cut and dry right now. He has considerably more opportunity to fuck things up royally in the next few months than he does to do something useful/good. Especially given his recent handling of racial tensions as well as social media platforms. He probably has a bigger chance now, than ever before, to fully and utterly alienate everyone except his deepest core supporters.
  3. It is definitely one of those scenes that helps you note truly shitty people by their wanting to identify with Alec Baldwin's character...
  4. I always wanted a console port of the arcade version of Willow. The NES game is fun in its own right, but the arcade game is a really novel experience. Similarly, a console port of the arcade version of Aliens needed to happen.
  5. It is really an all-star cast, mostly in their genuine prime. It is a short enough movie that the "slow burn" of the drama shouldn't be too off-putting, unless you're truly impatient.
  6. Definitely one worth re-watching at different times in your life to empathize differently each time, as you've had the opportunity to encounter similar people over the years. Great movie.
  7. I'm having a pretty hard time taking the concern seriously, when the posts are left up, and simply have a couple of attached fact-checks. But I've been seeing a bunch of right-wing censorship martyr posts about social media policies for awhile now... I"m sure this will only add to it. (latest was a few weeks back with a "content removed for violating policies" message likened to Nazi book burning)
  8. Grimrock is worth playing if you like Eye of the Beholder. (Vaporum is a similar game in a sci fi setting) Battletech looks amazing (though is tactical combat rather than classical RPG) Wasteland 2 is good (less campy than classic Fallout with more nuanced combat) And everything from Spiderweb Software is worth checking out. (they're mostly older than your timeline, but the guy has been consistently pumping out games since the mid-90's -- the true OG of Indie Dev)
  9. Probably not too far off from the Fiat Panda I rented on vacation in Eastern Europe.
  10. Time for someone to get historical plates on a Mercury Villager.
  11. I have a Masters of the Universe ringer t-shirt that was retro when it was made. That shirt is now old enough to be vintage in its own right.
  12. Masks matter, because people breathing on each other is the primary vector. (and asymptomatic people having their breath/vapor trapped helps those around them) Gloves, on the other hand, I suspect don't do much in practice for the vast majority of people. For medical use, it is different, because gloves get changed frequently, with every person-to-person encounter. But there is a LOT of false-security going around with glove use in retail and food service, where the worker is wearing the same pair of gloves between customers. Would likely be better for them to simply have bare hands and wash their hands or use sanitizer between encounters, since they certainly aren't washing their gloves or changing them with the kind of frequency that would matter for genuine PPE usage. People aren't osmosing the virus through their bare hands, and they aren't shedding it directly from their hands, either.
  13. It's a totally reasonable question for this area of the site, don't quite understand the people that felt the need to respond in unpleasant ways rather than just ignoring your post.
  14. When you can actually get a game properly configured, the end result of emulation looks 100x better than the original games, though. FPGA N64 would be a step backwards from an emulator that just retained configuration settings on a game by game basis more reliably. Maybe that problem is solved now, but last time I messed with it, it was pretty hit or miss.
  15. To me, early solid state are the most iconic, and something about modern machines just feels cheap. But I own a beat up 60's era EM machine (the original 8 ball) because my granddad left it to me. Will make a good project with my kids when they get older.
  16. Yeah, it definitely doubles down on certified grade A pieces of shit.
  17. That era had a bunch of "portable" LCD screens in the 2003-2005 timeframe (contemporary to PSOne being released as a clamshell system including a screen) I had the Gamecube screen for awhile, that I thought I might use for a BenHeckendorn-style handheld, in the earlier times of his site (around the time he published his first book). By modern standards the picture quality is garbage -- lots of washout -- but for their time, they were pretty wild.
  18. Great movie. Might be one of the few that is only enhanced by Kevin Spacey's more recent issues...
  19. It is aliexpress... go into every purchase expecting it to be a forgery/bootleg of some kind.
  20. A decent PC was nowhere near comparable price to a Neo Geo. They were ridiculously expensive. I am talking actual dedicated PCs (x86 or Macintosh type systems), not C64 or Amiga type systems.
  21. Umm... no, it was EXACTLY what you were getting -- it was a slightly modified Neo Geo arcade machine that played Neo Geo games that were essentially unchanged from their arcade counterparts. What does Namco, or any other non-SNK game company have to do with whether or not Neo Geo was a true "at home arcade" experience without owning a cabinet? And while it was definitely "too expensive" for kids -- if you look at other electronics of the time (home PCs) or compare it with an full-up Neo Geo cabinet, they were surprisingly competitively priced for their time.
  22. Yeah, I owned the game as a kid (second-hand ex-rental copy) but never made it past the 5th boss (the bubble blowing crab). If I started on a Saturday morning after breakfast, that was about how far I could get by lunchtime, and once I died there it just wasn't fun to keep slogging through it. I finally beat it with save states as an adult, but this game is Exhibit A for games that needed a password system. There are so few items/checkpoints to manage that there really wasn't much excuse to not have it.
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