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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. Baker Street is THE iconic sax song, rivaled only by Money and I Still Believe.
  2. Games were also comparatively way more expensive, so you had to get as much out of them as you could.
  3. And don't be one of those dipshits with your nose hanging out...
  4. Yeah, back then you drew maps by hand. My dad and I found everything in Zelda ourselves, both quests. It took some patience and note taking, but it wasn't some insurmountable feat.
  5. The way the inputs get serialized are pretty well documented right? I would suspect it is possible to emulate that in software so that the GPIO was piping directly into the controller port. (which in turn would open up possibilities to have your RPI drive different controller types) That said -- almost certainly "easier" to just wire up the GPIO pins directly to controller buttons and use the physical serialization chip.
  6. I've definitely let my two young kids become semi-feral with quite a bit of minimally supervised time in the back yard. And at least in our state, parks and beaches are still open for "exercise", just close for swimming, gatherings, and the playgrounds being shut down. But even with those benefits, a 3.5 year old and a 6.5 year old have an obscene amount of energy that couples badly with them both being sad about not being able to play with their friends.
  7. No better time to let her hone her skills with a set of clippers than right now. My wife has cut my hair for the last 15 years. That is a lot of money saved...
  8. I like the old adage: When you owe the bank a million dollars, it's your problem. When you own the bank a billion dollars, it's their problem. (and for clarification, China only holds about 1.1 trillion in US debt, not "trillions" plural)
  9. My dad used to spray their nests when he'd encounter them in his yard -- and some other animal learned to associated the scent of the spray with a snack, because he would come by the next day and the nests would be completely dug up.
  10. Carpenter bees are pretty annoying. Every time I go out to my garage there is sawdust everywhere from these guys.
  11. Most will leave you alone. Yellow jackets are pretty territorial... though to be fair, once you've encountered them it's because you've stomped on their nest and stirred them up, so they are rightfully pissed.
  12. Yeah, watching video of an extreme speedrun of the original Dragon Warrior is wild. The guy can consistently get hits on Metal Slimes by flipping in and out of menu options to cycle the RNG. The guy can consistently cast SLEEP on the Dragon Lord!!! It is crazy.
  13. I've seen a couple of giant hornets in our coastal VA area over the last 15 years, but they were more yellow than the "murder hornets" and probably 50% the size. But still HUGE compared to wasps and obviously "hornets" of some kind given their bulk.
  14. It is also a NOAC system so there is an NES ROM somewhere, from what I read
  15. Was anyone in the thread suggesting that any other category of weapon would be a good idea to have along at this kind of protest?
  16. But they do not "have to protest armed". They are choosing to. But there is nothing about the current situation that requires it. They are feeding into a stereotype, and it almost certainly is doing more harm than good for the cause they think they are supporting.
  17. I had a middle/high-school friend with older brothers, and the bunch of them pooled together and bought a 3DO, back when they were new. One of my elementary school friend's dad had an 80's era pinball machine fairly contemporary to its release, as well. Never knew anyone, as a kid, with any of the other specialty consoles, though.
  18. Those "morons" are morons for engaging this specific form of protest in the first place, irrespective of whether they're controlling their weapons properly or not. It serves no useful purpose for their cause, in terms of garnering any kind of meaningful public support, and if anything puts responsible gun owners in a weaker position when the average person comes to associate them with these bozos. There is a line going around of these guys are "protecting their 2nd amendment rights by exercising them", but the practical reality is, that displays like this make it much more likely for additional restrictions to come down the pike to avoid similar "exercises" in government buildings in the future. And whether they are adequately controlling their weapon, or not, doesn't answer the question on the dividing line between "open carry" (sometimes legal) and "brandishing" (usually illegal).
  19. How would you rate that against a donnybrook? I'll admit, your "if you want to go old school" comment had me curious enough to look up both "melee" and "pell mell" to find the first known use -- neither are anywhere near as old as I would have thought, given the context of how melee gets used in popular fantasy. Melee -- first known use 1658 (confused struggle - especially hand-to-hand combat) Pell Mell - first used to refer to combat in 1594 by Shakespeare. (originally "pelmel" dating to 1579 and meant a "disorganized retreat")
  20. As a side note -- it is a bit interesting that there hasn't seemed to ever been a meaningful challenge to the unconstitutionality of banning melee weapons.
  21. Obviously some featherweight lady engaged in the melee is far deadlier with her baton than stray bullets from an AR15 fired haphazardly into the fray! Otherwise there is no way that some random Colorado public code would ban batons but allow open carry of firearms!
  22. Look if you want to hide behind "implication" so that you can say you aren't being directly insulting, you are welcome to do so. But you aren't really fooling anybody.
  23. Why would you think a particular category of melee weapon being banned from public carry provides any meaningful information as to its relative lethality vs firearms?
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