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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. Does that somehow negate it being effectively synonymous with a more recent term? (and does that somehow mean that the predominantly used definition isn't fairly negative in nature, in terms of it implying mockery?)
  2. But a group of black guys with night sticks caused some kind of ruckus while Obama was in office and they were let off by the AG!!! That's totally the same thing as causing the governor to barricade themselves in their office while carrying firearms, because those long guns are useless in close quarters! Some guy on the internet told me so, while providing a helpful dictionary lesson! EDIT: what is surprising to me about this is Michigan having state-level government offices that you can walk into while carrying firearms in the first place. It is one thing for municipal governments to be low security, but I would have figured state offices would involve metal detectors and accompanying restrictions.
  3. You don't seem very good at "reading the room", in terms of how your choice of words is going to come across... (and lampooning is more-or-less synonymous with "one of the forms" of trolling, if you want to get picky)
  4. You are pretty out of touch if you don't think asking whether someone knows the definition of a word (especially a fairly commonly used term) is going to be read as an insult or attempt at trolling. (I'm not sure I could come up with any conversational situation between adults where asking that question wouldn't be perceived as obviously rude and likely a direct insult) Doesn't mean I'm personally taking at as an insult beyond just blowing you off as a troll. Just clarifying that you should know better about how that was going to be read.
  5. ^^^ The interesting thing about that picture, is the 4 morons with hands on grips, rather than having the weapons slung. You would think that could constitute "brandishing", rather than simply open-carrying.
  6. No, I've never heard that word before in my life. /s Troll harder.
  7. Can a nightstick be deadly? yes. Can it be "as deadly as a firearm"... not a chance. What a ridiculous comparison to make, unless you're talking about only getting a single shot off before you get shot yourself... ("as deadly as" implies being able to achieve the same "rate" of violence-production -- not some kind of binary "can I kill somebody with it")
  8. I always WANTED it to be, because they're thematically really cool. But the swordplay is so...badly...implemented. If you mashed up the level design and concept of Wizards and Warriors with the swordplay of Faxanadu, it would be a 10x better game.
  9. That "whataboutism" you posted didn't remotely contradict what he was saying, which is why I called it out as such. I think it would make for an interesting forum poll of what percentage of people think night-stick carrying protesters are on the same level of firearm carrying protesters when it comes to the expectations of police response, both with and without racial elements considered.
  10. As long as you don't physically touch the cop or brandish a weapon, you can scream obscenities at them to your hearts content, knowing that if they lay hands on you and kick your ass, you'll potentially make bank in the resulting lawsuit... (though you'd need pretty substantial willpower to take the ass-kicking without accidentally/reflexively fighting back)
  11. I didn't say anything about antifa being restricted to a race, just that the particular link you provided as a counterpoint had absolutely nothing to do with the point of MachineCode's post based on the pictures, at least. And "armed with nightsticks" is nowhere on the same level as protesting carrying firearms. Equating the two is absurd. But we can play the whataboutism game all day, I guess, if you want to be intentionally obtuse to what he was saying. The fact is, armed protesters, whether legally carrying, or not, seems like a really stupid idea. It serves no purpose other than to escalate the situation, and certainly does nothing productive in the current climate.
  12. The first couple pictures of those "leftist riots" look awfully white... (and while they may be "rabble" and rioting in the street they aren't open carrying in government buildings -- or carrying firearms at all) Let's clear it up... he isn't talking about political affiliation, he's saying if the armed protesters were black it probably would have been handled with a bit less tolerance.
  13. So I did a quick dive into Pizza Hut history -- PepsiCo didn't buy them until 1977 and the iconic classic building goes back to 1969! (designed in '63) I wonder if that local one secured their agreement before PepsiCo bought the company, even if they didn't open until 1979.
  14. Well, you're missing out if you skip ADOM, IMO. And that is one that is still pretty interesting and challenging, even if you save-scum.
  15. This might be one of those things where certain early franchisees get to maintain special access to stuff that is otherwise eliminated at the corporate level. (i.e. they have a more permissive franchise agreement from before the chain was so popular)
  16. What planet do you live on? I mean, maybe their quality has gone down in the past 5 years... but "relatively recent" McD's is actually edible compared to the trash they made when we were kids... The only good thing about them back then was the toys. (well, and the fries were made with beef tallow...so those were obviously better than modern :P)
  17. It exercises your patience... it builds character!
  18. ADOM is all or nothing. (though you can save-scum if you are into that sort of thing -- you just have to do it manually) But it is satisfying to learn your way through the game if you don't spoil it too early with FAQs It is one of the more elaborate-but-still-playable Roguelikes out there. Some get too complicated for their own good, but ADOM strikes a pretty good balance while still be quite deep.
  19. Give something like ADOM or DoomRL a try to see how some "true" Roguelikes have evolved over the last 20 years. BOth of those have had significant updates in that time while retaining the core concepts. And you can get a handful of playthroughs on them to get a sense of how you feel about their permadeath, versus the overall play experience.
  20. If you have a party-wipe in Darkest Dungeon you could lose quite a bit of investment/gear. And even losing individual upgraded characters can be frustrating (though not the "full permadeath treatment" of a more traditional roguelike).
  21. Are you genuinely trying to argue that Obama policies are responsible for more job reductions in coal than other economic forces? And if so, over which cherry picked time period? (Since your original time period had the vast majority of those jobs lost before he was ever in office) I certainly wouldn't say that his or the EPAs policies resulted in zero coal jobs lost, but the point is they weren't the biggest driver of those losses. And it is kind of amusing that you'd reference Don Quixote and then be the guy going on about Obama and Hillary...
  22. Book It was great. The only reason we would ever eat at Pizza Hut, since they were SO SLOOOOWWW with their service back it those days. Their breadsticks were way better than their pizza, but I was mostly just interested in pumping a couple bucks worth of quarters into their Aliens arcade game or their Neo Geo cabinet.
  23. Sorry, had to look it up, since it's been awhile. "Vaporum". (it is more like Grimrock-meets-Bioshock -- but definitely tickles some of the same feelings, thematically, as Doom)
  24. I would say that their "jihad" against it was largely irrelevant in the face of other market forces, as has been pointed out by a number of analysts. The specific time period you're referring to was a MASSIVE boom in cheap domestic natural gas production, which is far more "flexible" to produce power with than coal (i.e. generators can come on and off line to meet demand much more readily) coupled with a number of other economic advantages. Obama harping on it was practically just riding coat tails of a situation that already had considerable momentum against the coal industry. It's not particularly different than the kind of stuff any president says about any number of economic trends or events that were already underway when they took office.
  25. Figuring how how the grinding works in Ultima is a really steep curve compared to other classic RPGs, IMO. I don't think I've beaten any Ultima games other than Pagan, and it was much more conventional than the classics.
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