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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. Yeah, that is the big takeaway. From the beginning we should have all gone full-blown-Asian-traveler and worn masks in public 100% of the time. Much better potential to keep the asymptomatic carriers from spreading it to others when they breathe out.
  2. The virus can get aerosolized just BREATHING. (evidently can project up to 27 feet and stay in the air for up to 3 hours) Coughing or sneezing not required.
  3. The absolute last thing anyone that dislikes Trump wants is for the November election to be disrupted in any way, shape, or form. I highly doubt there is any political agenda, from "the left" or any media construed as left-leaning, that would want the shut down to last beyond the summer.
  4. "First round of testing" is just to make sure it is safe to use at all. Then they have to go about testing efficacy. Human trials take on the order of 6 months, at least, even if they are hurrying.
  5. Look at a calendar -- the specific end-date is because it works out to an exact number of weeks for the order. In VA we have one of the few governors (if there are even any others) that is a physician who I'd expect to accurately follow whatever x-week-from-start-date guidelines that are floating around.
  6. Plain white is good enough for me and matches the other appliances
  7. I played TTYD first (it was the reason I even bought a Gamecube back when it was new). When I finally got around to playing the original, it felt like a crude prototype that really had nothing to offer over TTYD. I think a great method for them to take would be to just make another Paper Mario game in that style, with the same kind of generational improvements that makes the predecessor feel like an early beta release... (and while I enjoyed Super Paper Mario, it definitely didn't succeed at doing what i'm referring to above)
  8. Well Alton Brown's pretzel recipe works really well. My only recommendation would be to do the baking-soda boil for longer than 30 seconds to get a better bubbly pretzel crust and to probably use more butter than he calls for (or baste them in butter once they are done). Otherwise, excellent. EDIT: also, a full-blown stand mixer (like a Kitchen-Aid) is an incredible tool. Probably the only "kitchen gadget" genuinely worth owning.
  9. There has been a persistent . narrative from right wing radio personalities that this thing isn't the big deal people are making it out to be and "way more people die of the flu every year and we don't shut the country down for that". One in particular is probably going to be beating that drum until he catches it and dies due to.his compounding factor of stage 4 lung cancer...
  10. Might give that a try next weekend. We have a bunch of attachments we have never used in the 16 years we have owned it...
  11. Planning to use the oft ignored stand mixer today for Alton Brown's pretzel recipe. Going to have them with bratwurst and sauerkraut for supper. Time to really take advantage of being at the house all the time...
  12. My mom and my sister hate onions -- they call it "being allergic", but they don't break out or anything, just that one of the chemicals in a non-caramelized onion turns their stomach. They can both do fine with onion powder, and fully caramelized onions, though, so whatever the chemical is that they take issue with breaks down with enough heat exposure. Glad I didn't inherit the issue, since there are so many recipes that are just easier to do with onion than without.
  13. He was talking about the economy, at the time, not the stock market... but yeah, TBD on the quality of this bounce
  14. I agree with Daniel that you need to figure out why you are putting money into the market, at all. (along with making sure you understand how the taxes are going to work, and the amount of book-keeping you are generating for yourself hopping in and out of positions) Not necessarily of the opinion that everyone needs to have an understanding of evaluating individual stocks, since the vast majority of people are better served with indexes/funds -- but if you think you're going to try and trade individual stocks, you should probably get some understanding of the fundamentals first rather than trying to trade just on news or expectation of news.
  15. Everything you are saying is why the market crashed so quickly in the first place. I am certainly not trying to call a bottom, because more genuinely bad news can come up, once case loads increase. But this first unemployment report has been widely expected to be horrific, from the moment states started shutting down. Unless it is somehow wildly different then already low expectations, it probably is mostly priced in.
  16. Do you think that the market has been unaware of what the unemployment numbers are likely to be? That isn't exactly new or particularly uncertain information at this point.
  17. Don't get sucked in by the wallstreetbets hype. Those guys crash and burn all the time. And the vast majority of them engage in options trades they cant properly cover if they need to. A few guys over there have gotten super lucky in their particular timing and it should frankly be viewed as lottery winnings more than investing savvy. (It was one thing to sell out of long positions fairly close to the top given world news about the virus -- it is quite another to say that information was a reliable marker of specific put option strikes and dates that would pay off in a big way)
  18. What's wrong with Knob Creek? That is pretty passable bourbon
  19. Yeah, VA governor closed them for the rest of the year, yesterday. Expect this will happen across most of the country.
  20. Our local pub is doing takeout beef Wellington tomorrow for $15...tempting as hell.
  21. In VA liquor stores are deemed essential... but they are also state-run (in all truth, though, forcing hardcore alcoholics to stop cold turkey, state wide, due to store closures would be catastrophic for public health and safety)
  22. I'm sure. I just know that across the entire south-east, Sysco dominates public school system contracts, as well as university system contracts. So I would expect similar dynamics to why Coca Cola is getting hammered (compared to other beverage makers), since Coca Cola has a practical monopoly on schools, universities, and sporting events, none of which are selling their products right now.
  23. Isn't Sysco heavily contracted with schools and universities? That is an until-the-fall sales loss that will never be made up once things return to normal.
  24. Probably want to watch out with the day trading, unless you want to meet cash balance minimums if you get tagged as a pattern day trader.
  25. I wouldn't discount the possibility of Boeing going through some form of restructuring/bankruptcy before it is all said and done.
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