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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. And on top of the appalling conditions it costs $775 PER DAY PER CHILD. There is no excuse for it costing that much while providing such inadequate accommodation and services.
  2. It was a great program to be able to use. A bit of a shame (or perhaps ironic) that it stems from a "tax on stupid".
  3. It honestly felt a lot like some side-scrolling PC adventure games of the late80's/early90's and less like "a Nintendo game", in that regard. But that is a genre and control style I have a lot of patience for, so I appreciated it over something that encourages button mashing.
  4. I didn't think Mad Wizard had a particularly unusual control scheme -- just that you have to realize it plays like a puzzle-adventure game rather than a platformer, so the controls are fairly slow and deliberate. Battle Kid games are definitely classic "Nintendo-hard", though. You definitely have to approach them from the old school mindset of not expecting to always be able to beat a game -- sometimes it is just about having fun playing it for awhile and getting as far as you can.
  5. Looks like Second Dimension (Dra600n's company) and FG Software (Vectrex) have a new NES game, with pretty solid pricing.
  6. Gargoyle's Quest is a purer implementation of the concept, I think (i.e. classic Dragon Quest style overworld rather than Mode 7)
  7. Neat. Reminds me how much I wish they would release the compiled graphic novel of Super Metroid like they did for Link to the Past.
  8. There is an NES version and it is everything you could hope and dream it could be.
  9. Green tunic is harder than wooden sword. I have done swordless, where you reach Ganon, die, get wooden sword, beat him. That was easier, to me, than being without the armor upgrade. At least for Ganon himself, where you get struck by an invisible guy that takes 4 hearts per hit in the Green tunic. Because for other bosses there are stronger options than the sword (bombs or arrows), or at worst an equivalent to the white sword (in using the magic wand as a club to kill Gleeoks) A strict minimalist run is obviously hardest of all (wooden sword, no armor, NO WAND) because now you are killing 4 headed Gleeoks with the lowest damage output that can kill them. And you can dial the difficulty of that challenge by how few hearts you can obtain. (I have made it to Ganon on 3 hearts, no armor, but one hit kills you outright)
  10. Which fix? The one where Mitch McConnell openly stated that they would acquit no matter what?
  11. Had a couple days of special occasion cooking for Valentine's day. Did a big butterflied ribeye on Friday, and pan fried small lobster tails last night. I split the cooking pretty evenly with my wife and we are both pretty good at it.
  12. I am sure he would never engage in open hypocrisy. He just isn't that kind of guy.
  13. Speaking of enriching himself, he has now spent the equivalent 344 YEARS of presidential salary GOLFING AT PROPERTIES HE OWNS.
  14. Of all of the properties out there I bet this is one that rights could be obtained...
  15. This makes me want to reimagine Arcana as a physical board/card game modern deck building dungeon crawl...
  16. There is a bit of difference between planning for impeachment (no matter what) from the beginning, and having a plan from the beginning for when a guy like Trump inevitably commits impeachable offenses.
  17. When people talk about "crime" in the generic, the thought they are generally pushing for is imagining the people as VIOLENT criminals (ie making your community materially less safe). That is why violent crime is the more relevant statistic. Edit: this isn't taking a position on whether illegal immigration is problematic in other ways. Just making a point about the crime rates that actually "matter" when you have a group you can otherwise arbitrarily define as 100% offender rate.
  18. After you beat the second quest, give it a try without a sword. You can't beat the game, because Ganon requires at least the basic sword, but you can get to him without it, and finish all of the other dungeons along the way. Then the truly hardcore mode is beating the game with minimal equipment and only 3 hearts. I can reach Ganon in that mode, but basically one unlucky hit kills you, so haven't had the patience for a win.
  19. By bombing the shit out of everything! My dad and I found it, so it was possible
  20. I got this game as maybe the third game for my system, and before I had NP. My dad and I took turns hand drawing maps while the other explored. We exhaustively mapped both quests, burned bushes, bombed caves, and all.
  21. Grimrock is great. Have both, but haven't played 2 yet.
  22. Wiz V is definitely my favorite of the first five, but Wizardry Gold on the PC (updated version of 7) is probably my favorite over all. Mysterium is one I used to drool over in Nintendo Power, but in actual gameplay leaves a lot to be desired.
  23. I'm always shocked to find out just how much soda (or other sugary beverages) some people drink. There are quite a lot of people that could cut 750+ calories per day by just cutting out soda entirely.
  24. Neat. Definitely something I wished existed as a kid, for how much my friends and I would make up our own fan stories for Dragon Warrior. Will definitely watch this with the kids.
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