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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. There isn't really anyone else in the entire US government that is in as clear of a position to be as corrupt as Trump and his family. Everyone else at that level may well be just as much of an ass, in some sense, but nobody else at that level as the ability to directly enrich themselves and their family by taking trips at the taxpayer expense to properties that their family organization owns.
  2. Are you going to use that same line of reasoning to say that what we did to Japanese Americans during ww2 were not "concentration camps"? The Nazis had death camps. Concentration camp is a much more broadly applicable term.
  3. Probably century eggs. I wouldn't recommend them.
  4. If commies could afford mustard the USSR might still be around Pretty sure the big mustard makers are American (both basic-ass yellow and fancy varieties)
  5. I will give him a pass on the tan suit, but Dijon mustard was over the line.
  6. Great looking stuff! Will definitely be putting together an order later in the week.
  7. Just won her troop championship, scale speed up above 185, now that the track is broken in.
  8. Daughter just finished her first set of races and won her age group, second over all. Average scale speed of 181.9, overall winner was only 182.1, so neck and neck. We didn't do anything fancy with the wheels, any could have squeezed another 0.05 ounces on if we wanted. Might do that for when she races the cub scouts next month.
  9. Do have access to actual cost sheets for what it takes to make an 8GB solid state type of game card versus burning a blu-ray disc? I could easily believe that 1GB vs 8GB becomes a wash in cost, but I have a pretty hard time believing that fabricating any size of card-based physical media is as cheap as pressing discs. Anything is possible, I guess, but it seems really unlikely that the price-per-GB of the two mediums would be close to each other. Here is a discussion from another forum, about a year ago. The nand/flash costs are lower than I expected, but definitely higher than Blu Ray by a healthy margin (relatively low absolute per-unit difference, though): Packaging and materials is under $1 optical media at 1 million pressings is $0.01 for CDs $0.05 for DVDs and roughly $0.08 for Blu-ray Discs. Under a million copies varies.Memory cards are more expensive than optical media due to smartphone manufacturers buying all the nand and flash memory they can get their hands on. 4gb at 1 million copies is around $0.30, 8gb jumps up to $0.85 to $0.90, 16gb is dropping in price right now it’s a little over $1.00. I don’t have other prices.
  10. It is the only platform still using cartridges. I would be willing to bet it costs 5x-10x, in parts, for a Switch game versus optical disc consoles.
  11. But talking about how shitty the liberals are earned Rush Limbaugh a Medal of Freedom!
  12. It is absolutely grotesque that Limbaugh would get that medal. There is possibly no one LESS worthy. I feel bad for the guy having late stage lung cancer, because I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But it doesn't suddenly make him a person that has ever done anything good for America, freedom, or unity as a country.
  13. In the interest of the thread, I took a look at their stock and see that it is back under $4/share. It will be interesting to see what the eventual articles are about the dude from Big Short that went in big as a potential activist investor on these guys.
  14. I try to mitigate this by only buying games I am reasonably confident I can flip down the line if I want to make space...
  15. I've kicked around the idea of giving them a try. I didn't realize until a few years ago that they are from my hometown and actually founded/owned by a family a knew pretty well. EDIT: just double-checked and remembered why I never tried them out... to generate K-1s and to do form 1041 they require Taxslayer Pro. Well "Pro" is priced at $1500 for a license, because they are catering to actual CPAs who do it for a living, rather than the Turbo Tax product that will do a 1041 for about $150. I'm sure it's a very nice piece of software with good support at that price, and probably competes with other pro-grade accounting software. But unfortunately not for the individual with more-complex-than-typical taxes who just needs to do a couple of form 1041's and generate a couple of K-1s
  16. It is a fun game. I mapped it out and beat at one point. Strikes me as a game that I would have played quite a bit if I had it as a kid.
  17. It is all "known information" from the last time it was discussed. But it is interesting that the article would mention it.
  18. One would hope that the answers should be identical... I just thought TaxAct was extremely "clunky" compared to the level of interface-design Intuit has put into their product. Part of the "problem" for H&R block is that they really want you to use their stores and in-person services, so only have cursory interest in improving their DIY product and making it clear how "easy" it is to DIY with a modern software package. Whereas Intuit ONLY sells software, and on top of that get year-round feedback on their other software products like Quicken, so simply have a much better cycle of user-feedback and resulting user-experience.
  19. I had about a decade, or more, of using Turbotax... switched to H&R block's software for a year...and promptly switched back the following year. H&R block's software looks and feels like it is from the mid-90's. I also need the full-up business software to generate a couple of K1's, which is how H&R block enticed me with their MUCH lower price on their "full featured" product. Total...piece...of...shit, compared to Turbotax Business.
  20. Not a lot. Just a little bit (i.e. a fully seasoned cast iron pan is probably fine, as-is)
  21. Yeah, that works well, too. Just barely re-melt the cheese in the oven, and finish the crust in a hot cast-iron pan with a bit of oil. But if you oil the pan you're toasting on in the oven, 10 min at 400+ will do it, too.
  22. If you reheat it for 10 minutes in a 400 deg oven straight from the fridge (so it is still cold when it goes in) it will turn out fine.
  23. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Severe_acute_respiratory_syndrome Always worth taking a look at history to see how China under-reports these types of things. (look at comparative mortality rates for SARS and tell me you think it is realistic that China had 1/3 the mortality rate of Hong Kong, Canada, or Singapore when they were well-known at the time to be nowhere near the WHO standards for physicians-per-capita or other basic healthcare measures) I doubt we'll have solid information on the actual communicability or mortality for this one until or unless it starts spreading in another country.
  24. I guess long gone are the days of people making videos of dumping the game, wholesale, into urinals...
  25. That sounds painfully clunky, but to each his own.
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