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Posts posted by Scrobins

  1. 1 hour ago, ZeldaFreak said:

    I went with Craig, Goldfinger, & Casino Royale, which is my personal favorite movie of them all. So my tastes on the movies may be pretty vanilla, but I like most of them 😛

    They’re popular for a reason!

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  2. I'm also so excited to see No Time to Die. Spectre wasn't my favorite, I think they forgot the rule of "show, don't tell" and didn't put in the work to build up Spectre and Blofeld. They should have finished what they started with Quantum and built up what Spectre was in relation to them rather than dropping such icons in the minute they acquired the rights.

    Billie Eilish is such a cool choice for singing this time around, her style isn't generally Bond-esque, but there's something about her voice that made me think of what we could have gotten from Amy Winehouse, and I knew when they first announced she would be the next singer that she would be great, and I love her song.

  3. I love Bond so much! I'm actually named after Sean Connery. The story I'm told is that he was the only man my mom would have left my dad for, which is an odd thing to say in 1987 (circa The Untouchables) but whatever.

    I own all the movies, novels (even beyond Fleming), and comics, and it is the only thing I've ever written fan-fiction of.

    Sean Connery is the gold standard of portrayals, but I also love Timothy Dalton's more accurate to the novels approach. I think Dalton was under-appreciated then for what Craig was getting praise for in recent years. But then again, I understand how Dalton's darker portrayal is whiplash-inducing following Roger Moore. And while Roger Moore was in my least-favorite movies, he is one of the best people to play Bond, and I loved reading his memoirs.

    Favorite movie is From Russia with Love, which is so steeped in espionage, and yet I rewatch The Living Daylights every year on my birthday because it is so good and because it was made in 1987.

    @Deadeye you need to add a poll for favorite Bond theme song! My vote would be for The Living Daylights and A View to A Kill.

  4. I got a response from Ryan Lloyd (developer of Tower Defense 1990 and Brilliant Pebbles) through Kickstarter. I invited him to join our community here if he was ever interested. Here’s what he wrote me:


    I basically closed my website down and didn't renew my domain.  I haven't had as much time to program (for fun, outside regular work) as I did in the past.  I'm still working on homebrew projects and will probably release games under a different label in the future.  Developing a game takes hundreds of hours, and sticking with a project and finishing it is hard.  I built a 4-way scrolling engine and a bunch of software modules that could be used in future projects.

    -Ryan Lloyd

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  5. Moved a few games from available to defunct (and some defunct back to available), including Brilliant Pebbles and Tower Defense 1990 because Retro Wonder Workers' website has been down and does not appear to be coming back. If you know otherwise, please let me know. I'll reach out to Ryan to confirm if I can.

  6. Tab tasted like Coke but somehow you tasted more neutral flavor that cola. Then again I was raised on a Tab knockoff called Rally. I can’t complain too much about generic sodas though, I recently tried Safeway’s Dr. Dynamite and like it.

    My best friend and I love to joke about Stop & Shop’s more ambiguous Zazz. They used to have abandoned carts in the aisles for marked down products rather than dedicate a shelf to it, and in the summer we would find full carts of individual cans of Zazz.

  7. It's hard for people to care if you aren't clear what you want the thread to be. You've suggested a thread for people to post their own Kickstarters, for people to share what they've backed, ongoing projects. Is it only for gaming-related Kickstarters, or can authors do their books? What is the criteria, and is this a thread where other people are sharing Kickstarters or are you maintaining a central list and updating it?

    EnigMog has a thread that provides updates on homebrew Kickstarters (though he hasn't updated it since April), and the homebrew section generally has new games, allowing devs to provide their own Kickstarter and other progress updates.

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