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Posts posted by Scrobins

  1. According to the inserts in PLTC and Dragon Boat, ITG is currently working on games titled: Save the Leopard Cats!, Hungry Ghost Night, Moon Fest, and a game for the new year but didn't seem to have a formal title that was italicized on the insert like the others. Any other known games to add to the homebrew on the horizon list?

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  2. Welcome to VGS, Nate! I've been following your posts on Twitter and it's great to see you here too. Consider my calendar marked, because you can count on me as a KS backer!

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  3. 1 hour ago, fsped09 said:

    I thought I was the only person who collect ASM Retro! Very cool. Whats the last NES cart in the second row? I've seen it once before at a Retro Game shop in NYC, but the label doesn't tell much.

    It's an early NES chiptune album Duck Tails by Puzzle Boys, better known as Chaz Buchanan

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  4. I like the Metal Jesus crew generally, they’ve helped me identify good games I’ve overlooked and have some fun personalities that make me want to watch more. I’ve met John Hancock and Chelsea Beck in person and they are a blast to talk to; I kept coming back to their booth to shoot the breeze when I went to PRGE a couple of years ago.

    I think some of the dislike that others have is when e-begging pops up. Asking viewers to like, share, and subscribe on every video is par for the course, and some offer Patreons to have an added experience and bonuses. But asking for donations so you can take a gaming road trip is understandably off-putting.

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  5. Depends on what their shtick is. People with a fun personality bringing attention to games worth knowing about, sharing their gaming stories, spreading the word about new games, providing worthwhile reviews to help people decide if a game is worth buying...all good things, but as Hammerfestus said, you have to stand out to justify entering an already saturated market. We have enough people with blasé personalities whose videos boil down to "I like games, I am going to show you games." Either be a personality/character that makes you worth watching, or have a depth of knowledge that rises above more superficial content. Also, if successful, they also need to be able to recognize when they have nothing more to contribute and it's time to stop making content or else risk damaging your legacy.

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