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Posts posted by Scrobins

  1. The added level of scumbaggery here though is that if there is a cart #155 in the wild, there is a possibility that OP's claims of theft may cause grief for the cart's legitimate owner. It is reasonable to think that this guy made similar posts elsewhere that haven't come under as much scrutiny.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Raftronaut said:

    IN more Space Raft nes news. A fully chiptuned version of the album my game is based on has been released onto bandcamp today: 


    This was my introduction to chiptune and served as the inspiration for me to make this into an actual NES game. I made this using BEEPBOX which served as a great entry point for me to start wrapping my head around how to approach chiptune. Of course, now I am 100% committed to famitracker but this prototype version of the game soundtrack is still a worthwhile listen although not specific to any one particular sound chip. 

    The actual game OST will be 2A03 obviously, both this conceptual version and the actual .NSF file will be included as a download for all version of the game upon eventual release. 



    Thanks for sharing! I bought the album and am listening to it now while I work. It's definitely putting me in a better mood as I put out a few office fires.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I seem to remember a similar thread on NA in its last days: someone else acquired the cart, but here was this friend, new to the forum and video game collecting who wanted to help his friend. And somehow we're supposed to believe that two people no one in the community has heard of bumbled into the most valuable cart and need help figuring out what to do with it. Life isn't fair, but it isn't that unfair.

  4. 6 minutes ago, The Count said:

    Did Euripides ever make it over? That guy was the best.

    I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but (sob) Euripides has been dead for almost 2,500 years.

    Anyhoo, it says on NA he’s visited a couple of times since the handover, so I’m sure he’s aware of this place.

  5. 45 minutes ago, Rhino said:

    This is not a troll post. Please stop taking my stuff down. 

    I want to know what you guys think of the Wayfair child trafficking conspiracy theory. Wayfair has denied it and most people think it's ridiculous, however, others think it's real because of the expensive listings for storage containers and shower curtains and other things with names in front of the listings that correspond to missing persons. Is their any real evidence out there that could proves this is real or is it just pizzagate 2.0 and the internet is having fun with it?https://www.axios.com/wayfair-child-trafficking-conspiracy-theory-ae1fde42-818d-4dab-9d18-9d53f08a00a0.html


  6. It’s not a freedom of speech issue. The First Amendment states that Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, which has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to mean the federal government may not infringe on the freedom of speech. The Fourteenth Amendment has been read to extend that precedent to prohibit state and local government from infringement. With certain exceptions relating to government entanglement, private actors are generally permitted to infringe your freedom of speech to their heart’s content.

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  7. This is a more complicated addition. I am adding 5 Genesis games made by Z-Team: Barbarian, Beach Volley, IK+ Deluxe, Ivanhoe, and Return to Genesis. These games are, to my understanding, ground-up remakes of classic Atari and Amiga games. Z-Team has made the roms for these games available for free on their website says their game roms are available on its website though there are no working download links, however they also offer their Patreon supporters CIB copies of a game after about a year of support ($120 in contributions).


    I have opinions on the quality of their releases and their responsiveness to supporters given that I was one of their Patreon supporters for about a year, but my Almanac and Horizon threads are meant to be objective resources for the community, and whether a game is worth playing or not can be hashed out on another thread (and I'll happily offer my opinions there). Unless there are meaningful concerns surrounding the legitimacy or ownership of a homebrew, such as the important discussion we had in March regarding Black Box Challenge, I try to limit my updates to statements of what I'm adding and whether there is anything worth mentioning about how a game fits within my classifications.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Makar said:

    Did khangames ever make it over here? I feel like we should all reach out to old people who never made it over and see if they're interested.

    Kevin is here, his username is KHAN Games

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