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Posts posted by Scrobins

  1. 16 minutes ago, ChortleMyBalls said:

    I'd like that Music Cart Collection one please!

    This thread is very cool, I got to see some music cart labels that I haven't been able to get a good look at otherwise 🙂


    You got it! Nice collection by the way 😉

    Are you able to get your 8-Bit Music Power to work on your NES? I can't get mine to work with the Famicom to NES adaptor I have.

  2. Is there a way to reposition banner pictures in blog posts? I find myself having to crop pictures to ensure it displays the way I want, but I'd love if I could reposition it like I can reposition the banner picture in my profiile.

  3. 42 minutes ago, a3quit4s said:

    Were there any new updates on Rollie? I hadn’t seen anything from Kickstarter in awhile. 

    An update from The 6502 Collective on the Trophy Kickstarter page yesterday mentioned Rollie when discussing manufacturing delays:

    Most of the small delays that we have encountered will not be felt with the Trophy release, as it should only be delayed a month, and the fallout has been worse on Collective projects that were already further along. In those cases we have had everything save a single piece, with stacks of games built and waiting for it. For those who backed or have since pre-ordered Optomon's Rollie, please know that it has not been due to lack of effort to secure parts, and that the project will be shipping soon. 


    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, M-Tee said:

    Instead, I would say games that came out early in the console's lifespan that could have had amazing sequels a few years (and mappers) later. (i.e. what Bomberman II is to Bomberman)

    Speaking of Bomberman sequels, weren’t you and Optomon working on a Bomberman hack that gave it a more sci-fi feel? The pictures from Optomon’s blog look like they would blow the whole series out of the water.

  5. 5 minutes ago, DannyTheDonk said:

    I bought I think 7 or 8 NA LE things from Random Insult Generator, to Commie Killer, to some random DC Comic ones.  Oh and REKT was a pretty cool one I bought.  

    You don't say? 🤔 Any others you're thinking of selling?

  6. 12 minutes ago, Deadeye said:

    @Scrobins have any idea about this one?

    I don't see too many of the LE changing hands with a price attached. There are a few instances of it appearing in FO and WTB threads on NA, but there aren't numbers.

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