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Everything posted by Scrobins

  1. Definitely had this happen to me a few times, though once in awhile it’s more like I’m trying to talk myself out of being pissed I lost.
  2. I wholeheartedly agree. I think a sizable part of my enthusiasm for homebrew is borne out of having met and kept up with several of the talented developers within this community. Each is an advocate of their projects as well as others, which helps me keep informed of what’s out there and on the horizon as well as makes me want to support them because of what great people they are. Hell, sometimes I worry I’m so gung ho that I weird out the brewers but it’s been fun getting to know them and keeping up with the progress on their games. #homebrewgroupie4lyfe
  3. The webpage said it didn’t go through, but I got the confirmation email, so hopefully it went through alright. My game request: Dick Tracy on the NES Good luck on the fundraiser! Still kicking myself for not bidding on a copy of Shmup Speed, heaven knows I need the practice.
  4. Looks great, and glad to see you here Nova!
  5. Try krankcolc now that he's made his way over, I don't know if he still has it, but Larry was in his list of homebrews on offer at NA.
  6. I'm excited for this one! I'm not collecting the whole set, I feel like it fits better to collect beginning from the year I started collecting homebrews. But then again, that starts with 2017 and the cart that compiled all the previous entries, so it all works out
  7. There’s a copy of Freecell on eBay you might want to check out: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F183798826775
  8. Like the end of a beat 'em level where you get a bonus for life and time remaining? In that case you could have a level time limit like Mario/Sonic rather than a game-wide time limit like NWC.
  9. Here’s me at a friend’s wedding about two hours into an epic 90s playlist
  10. Ooh can you imagine a competition cartridge that was just one giant boss rush stitching together bosses from different games?
  11. Completely agree. One thing I like about homebrew is that many recent instances introduce something new either mechanically or to the genre it represents. The challenge with Spook-o’-tron would be that playing it involves using your fingers (and possibly controllers) in a way unfamiliar to many. And for those who have practiced with the game, it is still a solid arcade challenge. Heck you could add Estoscerro so you have multiple games with that controller design and make a randomized treasure-hunting level. I get what you’re saying about The Incident (and I almost suggested Scramble but decided I didn’t want to suggest two shooting games different as they are) but technically any game could be mastered by practicing and memorizing the layout so I disagree that that would make The Incident a less fitting entry, especially if you draw from new levels developed since Kevin released the level editor. And if you want to add other games that are more about running up the score, you could include Bovinium Quest, UXO, and Cowlitz (2nd).
  12. Sneak ‘n Peek, but with a slide puzzle component! Or more seriously, for a variety of genres with point-grabbing challenges: Spook-o’-tron, The Incident, Micro Mages, and Nebs ‘n Debs.
  13. Love this game, I know what I’m playing tonight!
  14. It’s certainly not on you, Beau. It’s just a weird thing for Zao to do. Looking at the replies to their twitter post, someone even went to their page well before 10 and said the page already stated it was sold out.
  15. That’s kind of bullshit though. It’s one thing to set some aside for your devoted fans or completely run out in the first few minutes because demand is that high, but another thing to say “we’re going to sell these at this time” then turn around and say “oh nevermind we completely sold out and won’t offer any copies at our stated launch time because we sold them all backstage.”
  16. Scrobins


    This has been fun to follow, and the screenshots are gorgeous! I was under the impression from Convention Quest this wouldn’t be finished until the 2030s
  17. Attorney for the USPS. Before that I worked in a law firm doing telecommunications regulatory work. But my first job out of law school, I was the frontline attorney at the FCC attempting to build precedent for the net neutrality rules...until the election anyway. Also had some really interesting internships during school with the NY Attorney General doing consumer protection work, and the US Department of Justice, interning in their office prosecuting color of law cases and hate crimes as well their office prosecuting gangs and organized crime.
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